Julien Viet是Vert.x项目负责人,目前就职于Red Hat,任首席软件工程师。Julien从2002年开始开发开源软件。
Julien Viet是Vert.x项目负责人,目前就职于Red Hat,任首席软件工程师。Julien从2002年开始开发开源软件。
Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit for writing reactive polyglot applications for the JVM. Vert.x comes with an extensive reactive ecosystem that is modular, performant and easy to use. Thanks the wide variety of this ecosystem you can write many kinds of applications such as soft realtime web application, IoT, protocol adapters, distributed applications and of course you can even build micro-services! We will start the presentation with an introduction to the reactive paradigm and Vert.x, then we will learn about Reactive Programming with RxJava 2.
Eclipse Vert.x是用于编写JVM上的多语言响应式应用的工具包。Vert.x伴随着一个模块化、高性能、易于使用的响应式生态系统。正因为生态系统的多样性,我们可以编写像软实时Web应用、IoT、协议适配器和分布式应用等不同种类的程序,当然也可以构建微服务。本次演讲,我会先介绍响应式范型和Vert.x,然后带大家学习如何用xJava 2进行响应式编程。