构建Java API的艺术:Do's and Don'ts(英文演讲)


所属领域: Java

嘉宾 : Jonathan Giles | MicrosoftSenior Cloud Developer Advocate

会议室 : 百宴厅1-4


专题演讲嘉宾:Jonathan Giles

Microsoft Senior Cloud Developer Advocate

Jonathan Giles is a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft focused on Java and Azure. Before this, Jonathan was a technical lead in the Java team at Sun Microsystems and Oracle, where he developed Java APIs for releases between Java 7 and 10, primarily in the area of JavaFX - the UI toolkit replacing Swing. 

Jonathan is passionate about creating excellent developer experiences around API, documentation, testing, and tooling, and as a result of his efforts in these areas he is a Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, and a Dukes Choice Award winner. 


Jonathan Giles在微软担任资深云开发者布道师(Senior Cloud Developer Advocate),主要关注Java和Azure。在加入微软之前,Jonathan先后在Sun和Oracle担任Java团队技术Leader,负责开发Java 7~10等版本中的JavaFX API(用于替换Swing的UI工具包)。

Jonathan喜欢通过API、文档、测试和工具来创造完美的开发者体验。而且因为他在这方面的突出表现,曾获得Java Champion荣誉称号,并赢得Duke选择奖。他还是JavaOne大会明星讲师。




演讲:构建Java API的艺术:Do's and Don'ts(英文演讲)

As developers we build on the shoulders of giants - using APIs developed by others to propel ourselves further forward. We also often find ourselves in the position where we must provide our own APIs for other developers to use. Building a Java API is not without perils -we must know the features of the language extremely well, we must understand the implications of breaking compatibility, we must own many other responsibilities such as creating excellent documentation, and most importantly, we must practice restraint.

This session, presented by Jonathan Giles, will give an introduction to developers on how they should develop their own APIs, whether it be for internal use, an open source project, or a commercial library. The focus is purely on building Java APIs, not REST APIs or anything else! Jonathan has over 10 years experience building Java APIs, firstly at Sun Microsystems and Oracle in the Java team working on Java releases 7, 8, 9, and 10, and more recently he has joined Microsoft as a cloud developer advocate, where he works closely with the engineering teams to improve the Java API offering for Azure.

This session will work through tips that developers should follow, and advice for developers to avoid.

What audience will learn from our talk: 

This session is targeted towards developers who know Java, but don't necessarily know best practices around API design. It is for people who are actively creating APIs, and for those who may find themselves creating API simply because no one else is doing it.


作为Java开发者,我们都是站在巨人的肩膀上,使用其他人开发的API,从而走的更远。有时我们也要提供自己的API供其他人使用。构建Java API也不是没有风险的,我们必须非常熟悉语言特性,必须理解破坏兼容性的影响,必须担负起创建完美的文档等责任,还有最重要的,我们必须保持克制。

Jonathan Giles将带来的这场演讲,将向开发者分享如何构建自己的API,不管是内部使用、开源项目还是商用库。重点谈的也是构建Java API,而不是REST API或其他内容。Jonathan有十多年的Java API构建经验,他最初在Sun和Oracle的Java团队,参与了 Java 7、8、9和10等版本的开发工作;最近他加入微软担任云开发者布道师,和工程师团队紧密协作,改进Azure上的Java API。





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