Crushing Application Latency with Vert.x(英文演讲)


所属领域: 高频交易

嘉宾 : Paulo Lopes | Red Hat首席软件工程师

会议室 : 百宴厅2


专题演讲嘉宾:Paulo Lopes

Red Hat 首席软件工程师

I’m Paulo and I’ve used my 10+ years of software development experience writing, rewriting, banging my head against the wall, editing and re-editing high-performance web application to make Vert.x an even more awesome framework.

Paulo Lopes 是 Vert.x 开源项目的核心贡献者,目前就职于 Red Hat,任首席软件工程师。他拥有超过 10 年的软件开发经验,在编写、重写、写到想撞墙等方面的经验十分丰富。为让 Vert.x 成为一个更棒的框架,他一直在编写和重新编写高性能 Web 应用程序的道路上奋斗着。




演讲:Crushing Application Latency with Vert.x(英文演讲)

Latency matters. It is probably the hardest problem in modern software engineering. In software, latency isn't a single problem source but the manifestation of many small problems in the application.


To crush latency at the application level, we must rethink architecture patterns to minimize the cost (in time as well as in business). What are the side effects of Threading and Context Switching? The benefits of non-blocking IO? The impact of JIT compilers in polyglot runtimes?

如何破解软件的延迟难题?我们必须重新考虑软件架构模式,以大幅减少开支(不管是时间还是业务上的)。多线程和上下文切换的副作用是什么?非阻塞 I/O 的好处是什么?JIT 编译器在执行跨语言 runtime 时有什么影响?

This session shows these principles applied to ES4X (Vert.x new JavaScript runtime using GraalVM), and the incredible performance boost that it brings to JavaScript applications.

本话题将介绍 Vert.x 在 ES4X(基于GraalVM 和 Vert.x 的开发的 JavaScript Runtime)中的应用,以上问题将在此得到解答,它为 JavaScript 应用程序带来了令人难以置信的性能提升。


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