Roman Elizarov有超过16年的职业软件开发经验。曾就职于Devexperts,负责为领先的经纪公司设计和开发高性能交易软件。
Roman Elizarov is a professional software developer with more than 16 years of experience. He had started his career at Devexperts, where he designed and developed high-performance trading software for leading brokerage firms and market data delivery services that routinely handle millions of events per second. He is an expert in Java and JVM, particularly in concurrency, real-time data processing, algorithms and performance optimizations for modern architectures. Roman currently works on Kotlin language at JetBrains. In 2000 Roman had graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO. He now teaches a course on concurrent and distributed programming in ITMO. During his undergraduate study he participated at ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). Since 1997 and until now Roman serves as a Chief Judge of Northeastern European Regional Programming Contest (NEERC) of ICPC.