


嘉宾 : Jakub Jedryszek | Microsoft软件工程师

会议室 : 第五会议厅AB


专题演讲嘉宾:Jakub Jedryszek

Microsoft 软件工程师

Jakub Jedryszek works for Microsoft as Software Engineer. He helped to ship the new Azure Management Portal – one of the largest and most advanced Single Page Web Application in the World written in TypeScript by over 500 developers. He started and shipped Azure Mobile App for iOS and Android, which enables monitoring and managing Azure Services on the go. Currently he is driving User Experience in Azure Search - managed cloud search as a service platform. You can find more at jj09.net.






最后,演讲将介绍构建解决方案时所用的Azure Search和Cognitive Services的内部构件。


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning gives us tremendous opportunity to gain knowledge from massive amounts of data. With the power of Cloud and AI you can search, analyze and learn from your data at scale. One of the biggest challenges is ability to find meaningful information across your data.

In this talk you will learn what you need to know in order to build intelligent Cloud solutions with power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. From architecting cloud infrastructure to building UI with TypeScript and React. I will show you how to build a web app that can search through not only text, but also documents and images.

I will also give you insights in the internals of Azure Search and Cognitive Services that enable to build such solutions.


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