Nuage——LinkedIn 如何使其分布式数据系统更易用


嘉宾 : Eric Kim | LinkedIn 数据基础设施团队高级经理

会议室 : 百宴厅1


专题演讲嘉宾:Eric Kim

LinkedIn 数据基础设施团队高级经理

Eric Kim 是 LinkedIn 数据基础设施团队高级经理,领导着云管理部门,负责 Nuage(LinkedIn 的私有云解决方案) 和 Helix(一个用于分布式集群管理的 Apache 开源项目)。在加入 LinkedIn 之前,Eric 在 OpenX 担任技术总监,帮助构建了世界上最大的私有广告交易平台之一。在加州大学伯克利分校毕业之后,Eric 曾从事过多个领域的工作,如电信、搜索引擎、语义关联等,而现在是数据基础设施方面的。


演讲:Nuage——LinkedIn 如何使其分布式数据系统更易用


本次演讲将介绍 Nuage——LinkedIn 的私有云管理入口,为方便使用和运维 LinkedIn 的分布式数据系统而构建。我们将介绍 LinkedIn 为什么要投资在云管理方面,讲解 Nuage 为应用开发者和平台管理员提供的功能和优势,以及我们未来将在哪些方面继续投入。


Building a stable and performant Distributed System requires careful planning, design, and implementation. The real challenge with distributed system, however, starts after system is built and rolled out. End users and system administrators spend a lot of time, far more than development time, using and operating the system. Thus providing ease-of-use and easy-to-operate for both users and system administrators is a critical must-have feature for any distributed system.

In this talk, I will present Nuage, LinkedIn’s private cloud management portal, built to bring ease-of-use and operability to LinkedIn’s Distributed Data systems. We will go over why LinkedIn made investment in Cloud Management, list of features and benefits Nuage brings to application developers and platform administrators, and the future investments we are making.


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