Michael Chen,VMware高级经理。他本科毕业于普渡大学,硕士毕业于康奈尔大学。Michael在分布式Java系统、Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)方面有15年经验。曾整体负责Java EE 7。他曾经是BEA Weblogic Server(后来被Oracle收购)的核心开发者、架构师。
Michael got his undergraduate degree from Purdue university, and master degree from Cornell university. Michael spent 15 years in distributed java system, Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition). He is the overall program lead of Java EE 7. He is a core developer, architect for BEA Weblogic Server which is acquired by Oracle. Michael spent the past 5 years with VMware working on vSphere, OpenStack and Kubernetes to bring best cloud infrastructure to customers.