Scala: a Functional Programming Language on JVM

所属专题:Morgan Stanley : Enterprise FinTech

嘉宾 : (1) 何巍 | 摩根士丹利执行董事 (2) 陈诚 | 摩根士丹利副总裁

会议室 : 宴会厅2



摩根士丹利 执行董事




一个计算机程序算法的爱好者。像 Dijkstra 和并查集这样的算法,除了在面试时候派得上用场,也许就只有在象牙塔里被束之高阁了吧?不,只需要一双善于观察和发现的眼睛。



摩根士丹利 副总裁



演讲:Scala: a Functional Programming Language on JVM

Programming language as a vehicle to express programmer’s thoughts is key to any software development. Functional programming languages on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) , given their focus on abstraction, have their special positions for financial services companies like Morgan Stanley – as the problem domain is highly complex and computationally expensive while the systems operate in a large-scale distributed environment. The complexity of the problem domain brings the challenge of maintaining balance between correctness and performance, while the large-scale distributed environment leads to another dimension of complexity in operations. The Scala programming language not only inherits from its root in being Functional Programming, but also embraces the Java ecosystem and OOP model, which unleashes its functional programming power to the real world and makes it possible to build large production systems and to evolve at a faster pace, optimizing performance while maintaining correctness. In this session, we will explore and explain the benefits of a few fundamental elements in Scala that form the basis of its power: principle of referential transparency, higher-order functions, async/await facility, and its type system. In addition, we will also cover briefly its history from the beginning, and its upcoming features towards the end.


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